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Au pair: what questions should I ask my future host family?

Au pair: what questions should I ask my future host family?

You want to go away as an au pair, you’ve already started looking for a host family, but you’re afraid of making a mistake? 🤔 Don’t panic, you have the right to request a videoconference interview for a first meeting with the family from a distance! 💻📱

During this call, introduce yourself, chat with the family about your experience and motivations, and above all don’t hesitate to ask any questions that pop into your head. Even those that might stress you out or that you’re unsure about. Your family will do the same.

To help you, here’s a list of questions you can ask your family:

Translated with (free version)

On family organization in general

On family organization in general

All these questions will give you a clear idea of the family’s expectations, and if you have any others, don’t hesitate to ask. There’s no such thing as a bad question, and it’s perfectly normal to have questions. Don’t be afraid of appearing intrusive. After all, you’re probably going to join this family and you need to know everything to be sure! 😉

💬 You can also ask the family why they’ve decided to take on an au pair. What if they’ve hosted au pairs before? If so, you can ask the host parents or the agency for their phone number or e-mail address so you can contact them directly. This will enable you to ask them questions and get their feedback.

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