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Welcoming an au pair boy is possible!

Welcoming an au pair boy is possible!

Can you tell us about your family?

Yes, of course. Our family consists of 2 boys aged 7 and 10 and myself, the mother. I’m 48 years old.

As a single-parent family, why did you decide to host an au pair?

My husband died a year ago, just as I started working full-time again. That’s why I needed help on a daily basis, especially as I work on Saturdays.

What criteria were important to you in choosing your au pair?

I have two lively boys and I wanted someone sporty and dynamic.

Why did you choose an au pair boy?

We’re surrounded by women in our family and I wanted to bring a masculine presence into the home. Plus, I wanted a boy so I could share boy games like soccer and skateboarding.

What benefits do you see in Igor's arrival in your daily life?

I see a lot of benefits. Igor has a real bond with the boys. They invent checks for each other, they play Ukrainian versions of “Rock, Paper, Scissors” to see who gets to shower first, Igor takes the boys to lie on his back…

I used to be torn between tidying the house and playing with my children. Today, I know that if I have to spend time on household chores, my children aren’t alone, glued to their tablets. And then I can fully appreciate the time spent with them…

How did Au Pair BUTRFLY help you with this project?

In fact, I live in the country and I needed someone who knew how to drive a car with a manual gearbox. What’s more, I felt safer going through professionals who guided me through the administrative procedures.

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